Thursday, July 17, 2008

Adventures in Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Off we went on the coach this morning, complete with sack lunch, to visit the Seven Stories Centre for Children's Literature in Newcastle. Because the coach company had a busy day today, the coach returned to Alnwick after dropping us off. After a morning of exploring Seven Stories,buying books (!), and enjoying lunch, we met our friend Glynn who toured us around Newcastle for over 4 hours. Part of the tour involved using the public coach system, which was an adventure all by itself. Getting 17 people on and off public transport presents its own unique set of challenges, but by the last bus (we used 4 in all), everyone was quite good at it.

And the rain held off until we were walking from the bus stop to Glynn's home, where he and his wife Sue had kindly invited us all to dinner. It was a fantastic array of homemade traditional British food enjoyed by all. The "puddings" were especially popular. Even though we have been gone from home only a few days, it seemed as though everyone enjoyed being in a home atmosphere again. All in all, it was a lovely day!

Tomorrow it's off to the Alnwick Gardens and then a tour of the Castle. Hopefully the rain of this evening will be cleared out. See pictures below!