The last three days have been a whirlwind of activity that included lots of cleaning and packing! Our last official day of the program was Wednesday,when we spent some time in class sorting out things like author studies and final projects (yes, we do have assignments interspersed with all of those field trips!!), then there was time to say our good byes to Alnwick and all of its many treasures. Wednesday evening found us gathered on the second level of Lilburns for a final dinner. Guests included Philip, Wade, Aaron, Glynn and Sue. It was an evening of excellent food prepared by chef Rod and good conversation with friends.
Bright and early on Thursday, beds were stripped and suitcases crammed with last minute items. Four of our group remained for more UK travel but they were up to see us off. We were gathered at the Barbican Gate by 6:45 am for the trip to Newcastle International Airport. Only a couple of moments of panic: for some unknown reason our coach could not trigger the electronic gate at the airport so we couldn't enter the parking lot for a few minutes and then, at the check in desk, Merton was told that we could only check one bag each and the rest would have to be paid for!! Needless to say, that wasn't acceptable or accurate, but it took a few minutes and a couple of phone calls to clear up. Our flight to Amsterdam and then our to flight to Minneapolis were uneventful. A bit of bumpiness over the UK and then we settled in; not even any crying babies or screaming toddlers this time. We actually arrived about 40 minutes early in Minnapolis. Customs was a breeze--apparently the drug sniffing beagle is not sensitive to chocolate!
The experiences have bonded us as a group--we are forever the 16 of the Summer 2008 British Children's Literature and Photography program. We have hundreds of memories, many of which can be shared, but others which are difficult to put into words and pictures--they just had to be experienced.